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Lets Talk About Money

A lot of people have experienced problems with money - myself included. I built this page because of those trapped and confused as to how to transcend poverty. 

Understanding Poverty:


I felt for a long time, that in the realities where for whatever reason, we are learning to exchange and value with money; that money is directly related to our own self worth to some degree. Yet I also know it isn't as black and white as that. There's many elements in play when one's relationship with money was poor.  On the surface these elements create an ignorance and unwillingness to be responsible for generating income and to accept abundance trying to reach you, a long with many stories and complaints about how money was a problem for you and for society's well being. I could write a book on this. I'm not going to at this point. If you have any sort of judgement and blame and rejection for money, I invite you to look within and ask yourself what is going on in your relationship with money. 



Maybe it was something I said... 
Or maybe it was an agreement we made, regardless of your reason, here is my Donations Button!

Establishing Prosperty:

I want to challenge you with something that has helped me change my feelings towards money, and my willingness to recieve it and to part with it. In fact nowadays whenever I've been in a position to pay or be generous and to share I've felt a burst of excitement and happiness arise.

When you pay for something, what do you feel?

Most people feel resentment and panic. They complain to themselves about the rising prices, and how they've been robbed / ripped off. Not to mention all the myths arising from the idea that money was the root of all evil, or that the love of money is the root of all evil (In my opinion acted upon and increased Greed for Instancy of gratification is where all evil arises from). 

Money is a thing. We use it to physically apply value when we make an exchange. It is not the only mechanism for exchange. However it is what is used most frequently and mandatorily for many goods and services.


Now take a moment and think about the bills you meet, your rent or mortgage as well, maybe you have subscriptions to goods and services, and you probably go out sometimes or a lot... Maybe you pay travel faires regularly, or you have to keep your vehicle well fed with fuel. 

Now just for a moment consider what it would be like to not have these things, imagine if you could not have internet. Imagine if your house was freezing cold and you couldn't even use power to boil a kettle, or even if you didn't have shelter... Imagine if you were out, and you couldn't even afford a coffee or other drink. Imagine if you grew to be so ashamed that you felt you couldn't be around the people you loved anymore because of your shame at this (i hope imagined) inability to contribute...

Next time you are parting with your precious money I challenge you to remember how grateful to have services providing you with whatever you are paying for, like heat, power, and internet, and the ability to call and text people, your subscriptions, your vehicle and a steady supply of  fuel, and your faires for using transportation you do not control, and so on and so forth. Aren't the things that support your ease and comfort and enjoyment, and the most efficient use of your time, worthy of your appreciation? Isn't it worthy of your gratitude that you have the means to indulge your ease comfort and enjoyment? And don't you deserve these things in abundance? Doesn't everybody, really?

And the next time you catch your self complaining and feeling "robbed" or "ripped off" you can actively begin to change the thought structures by stating "I reject that thought" countering the rejected ideas and beliefs with words with the gratitude and affirmations that I have money, and money comes to me regularly, and I am grateful to have the ability to contribute and share my abundance.

Do you know that Thank You can be the colour of money? "Thank you" is money's energetic sibling, they both come from the same parent or source: value

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